
Luke Simmons Luke Simmons

Love, Sex and Intimacy

While we hope holiday’s like Valentine’s Day, anniversaries & those special days of the year are an intimate touch point for married couples, the reality for many is that these days often raise some difficult questions. Sometimes these moments raise challenges about the quality & quantity of a couple’s intimate experiences. We can find ourselves asking, ‘How can we make this better?’

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Seth Troutt Seth Troutt

Love: Marketing and Novelty

Is ‘love’ overblown, oversold? Did the marketing engines just get to us & convince us that anniversaries & Valentine’s Day was something important? Should we just abstain, not participate, because it’s not pure, authentic & spontaneous? Or do these types of holidays matter?

In this week’s installment of ‘On Topic: Love’, we discuss whether we go too high, or too low, in our view of love on these culturally highlighted dates.

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