Plan Your Visit

8:30a | 10:00a | 11:30a

8635 E Pecos Rd, Mesa, AZ 85212

We gather on Sundays to discover more about who Jesus is and to enjoy him together. We have three identical services at 8:30a, 10:00a, & 11:30a.

Stop by our info desk in the lobby for a gift as a thank you for joining us!


What Is a Service Like?


Our services are typically about 70 minutes and involve:

Singing: We’ll praise God and encourage each other with songs.

Scripture Reading: We love the Bible, so we’ll stand to read the passage that we’re studying.

Preaching: We’ll preach the unchanging truth of Scripture and seek to apply the Gospel to the core concerns of our lives.

Communion: We’ll celebrate the Lord’s Supper as a reminder of Jesus’ death as a sacrifice for sins.

Giving: We’ll give as a response to God’s grace to extend the church’s ministry to our community and world. Giving boxes are in the back or you can give online.

Where do I go? Attending a new church can be intimidating and overwhelming! Let us help
you know where to go by meeting us in the lobby at the Info Desk where one of our friendly volunteers can direct you where to go.


What Should I Do With My Kids?


Ironwood Kids: We have a safe, fun, and educational environment (at all three services) for kids from Birth - 4th grade, or you are free to have your children with you in the worship gathering. (All of our children’s workers have undergone background checks and been trained before volunteering).

5th Grade Ministry is designed to be a bridge year for kids transitioning from Kids Ministry to Student Ministry. Sometimes, entering into Student Ministry can feel intimidating and overwhelming, so we want to help 5th graders to begin cultivating relationships with peers as well as introduce them to a Student Ministry style environment on a smaller scale, including: games, teaching, worship, and small groups. 5th Grade Ministry is available during the 11:30a service.

Student Ministry is an environment for 6th through 12th-grade students. We meet on Wednesday nights at 6:45p. This time includes worship, teaching, and, most importantly, time in our small groups led by our committed mentors who work to know, love, and center each student in their years together.


How do I get Involved?


The best first step to getting more involved at Ironwood is our Start Here class, offered almost every month. You'll meet some other people, be introduced to some leaders, and get a chance to ask any questions.


Additional Resources


King & Culture Podcast

Diving into important theological issues and how they relate to culture with Seth Troutt and Luke Simmons.

Subscribe: iTunes | Spotify


Exploring Christianity

This six-week class is for those who aren't sure if they want to be Christians or for those who are struggling with significant doubts.

Additional class details here.


Counseling + Care

We want to help those who are hurting find healing in Jesus and find purpose and wisdom in God’s word. Whatever you are experiencing, we are here to come alongside you and help you see and find hope in Jesus.

For additional information, click here.