podcasts + Media



king & culture

Diving into important theological issues and how they relate to culture with Seth Troutt and Luke Simmons.

Bi-Monthly on Thursdays

Subscribe: iTunes | Spotify

Sermon Podcast

Keep up with the latest sermon series, or catch up on a sermon from the archives (also available on YouTube)

Sermons released every Monday

Subscribe: iTunes | Spotify


for jesus podcast

Thoughtful conversations about how to live β€œall of life, all for Jesus,” especially in our jobs and work, hosted by Geoffrey Wilcoxson.

New episodes every Tuesday

Subscribe: iTunes | Spotify

talking to humans

Exploring the dynamics of relationships from a biblical perspective with Vicki Diemert, Mark Andress, and guest hosts.

Weekly on Fridays

Subscribe: iTunes | Spotify


Favorite Culture-shaping Sermons

To Whom Shall We Go? (John 6:60-71)

Five-Step Process: What to do with your anxiety. (Phil. 4:2-9)

Christianity & Gender (Genesis 2:15-23)

Soft Hearts, Steel Spines (John 1:14)


Life at Ironwood Church