Recommended Resources: Can We Trust the Bible?
Recommended resources on the trustworthiness of the Bible — from an archaeological, historical, and manuscript perspective — as well as resources for reading and engaging Scripture.
An Overview of Hebrews
Hebrews is a book written to a group of Christians who are tempted to walk away from Jesus and back into traditions. It shows that Jesus is greater than any other approach to knowing or following God.
The 2024 Christmas Offering
The 2024 Christmas Offering at Ironwood Church will help our sister church recover from a fire and also allow us to develop a new Special Needs Kids Classroom and remodeled studio for digital discipleship resources.
Best Friend Grant & Application Information
We are excited to award a number of Best Friend Grants that empower people in our church to initiate specific projects to live out the gospel among our neighbors
25 Ways to Imitate God in Work
One of the most overlooked ways to glorify God is through imitation. And yet, as image-bearers of God, we have countless opportunities to imitate our Heavenly Father — but especially through our work.
8 Motivations for Work
The Bible provides at least 8 different motivations for work. The more of them we have, the more fulfilling work will be.
Series Overview: Confronting Genesis
In the spring of 2024, Ironwood Church is exploring the foundational chapters of the Bible in Genesis 1-11. Here’s our schedule and some recommended resources.
FAQ’s on Changes at Gateway
Redemption Church is changing from being one church to ten churches, and Redemption Gateway is becoming Ironwood Church. This FAQ works through some of the questions related to this transition.