Love: Marketing and Novelty

Is ‘love’ overblown, oversold? Did the marketing engines just get to us & convince us that anniversaries & Valentine’s Day was something important? Should we just abstain, not participate, because it’s not pure, authentic & spontaneous? Or do these types of holidays matter?

Is our vision of love too high, or too low, on these culturally highlighted dates?

Join us as we discuss how we can use each moment as stepping stones, to progress from one meaningful moment of connection, to the next meaningful moment of connection.

Click the video Link below for Seth’s 5 min reflection:

In this Week’s installment of ‘On Topic: Love and Novelty’

If you’d like a copy of Seth’s newest book ‘The Way of Love’:

  • download a free draft *.pdf here.

  • Or, if you’d prefer to buy a physical printed copy, you can order it here.

Or, for a more nuanced, in depth discussion on ‘Self Love’, check out this episode of ‘King & Culture’.

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Love, Sex and Intimacy


Love: Defined