
Seth Troutt Seth Troutt

Masculinity: Toxicity

John Wayne, Jordan Peterson, or Andrew Tate? Who defines our culture’s values around Masculinity?

In this season’s ‘On Topic’ as we’re diving into Masculinity . What is it, and what is it not?

In part 2 of this 6 part series, Seth Troutt addresses the foundation of his 4 part framework. Man is not God.

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Seth Troutt Seth Troutt

Masculinity: Man is not Woman

John Wayne, Jordan Peterson, or Andrew Tate? Who defines our culture’s values around Masculinity?

In this season’s ‘On Topic’ as we’re diving into Masculinity . What is it, and what is it not?

In part 2 of this 6 part series, Seth Troutt addresses the foundation of his 4 part framework. Man is not God.

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Seth Troutt Seth Troutt

Masculinity: Man is not Boy

John Wayne, Jordan Peterson, or Andrew Tate? Who defines our culture’s values around Masculinity?

In this season’s ‘On Topic’ as we’re diving into Masculinity . What is it, and what is it not?

In part 2 of this 6 part series, Seth Troutt addresses the foundation of his 4 part framework. Man is not God.

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Seth Troutt Seth Troutt

Masculinity: Man is not Animal

John Wayne, Jordan Peterson, or Andrew Tate? Who defines our culture’s values around Masculinity?

In this season’s ‘On Topic’ as we’re diving into Masculinity . What is it, and what is it not?

In part 2 of this 6 part series, Seth Troutt addresses the foundation of his 4 part framework. Man is not God.

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Seth Troutt Seth Troutt

Masculinity: Man is not God

John Wayne, Jordan Peterson, or Andrew Tate? Who defines our culture’s values around Masculinity?

In this season’s ‘On Topic’ as we’re diving into Masculinity . What is it, and what is it not?

In part 2 of this 6 part series, Seth Troutt addresses the foundation of his 4 part framework. Man is not God.

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Seth Troutt Seth Troutt

Masculinity: Intro

John Wayne, Jordan Peterson, or Andrew Tate? Who defines our culture’s values around Masculinity?

In this season’s ‘On Topic’ as we’re diving into Masculinity . What is it, and what is it not?

In this 6 part series, Seth Troutt provides a simple yet profound framework that can help understand what masculinity is, by affirming what it’s not.

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Jeremy Wagner Jeremy Wagner

Margin: Creativity

Margin: When what we have exceeds what we need; The gap between supply and demand; What’s left over and available for others.

Hospitality, accessibility, creativity, capability and energy are all significantly impacted by these balances.

Do you feel like you have enough? Does it feel like there’s anything left?

Join us in this season’s ‘On Topic’ as we address each of these areas in turn and challenge each other to value ‘Margin’.

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Seth Troutt Seth Troutt

Margin: Priorities and the Sentence, “No.”

Margin: When what we have exceeds what we need; The gap between supply and demand; What’s left over and available for others.

Hospitality, accessibility, creativity, capability and energy are all significantly impacted by these balances.

Do you feel like you have enough? Does it feel like there’s anything left?

Join us in this season’s ‘On Topic’ as we address each of these areas in turn and challenge each other to value ‘Margin’.

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Cherie Wagner Cherie Wagner

Margin: Rest

Margin: When what we have exceeds what we need; The gap between supply and demand; What’s left over and available for others.

Hospitality, accessibility, creativity, capability and energy are all significantly impacted by these balances.

Do you feel like you have enough? Does it feel like there’s anything left?

Join us in this season’s ‘On Topic’ as we address each of these areas in turn and challenge each other to value ‘Margin’.

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Cherie Wagner Cherie Wagner

Margin: Hospitality

Margin: When what we have exceeds what we need; The gap between supply and demand; What’s left over and available for others.

Hospitality, accessibility, creativity, capability and energy are all significantly impacted by these balances.

Do you feel like you have enough? Does it feel like there’s anything left?

Join us in this season’s ‘On Topic’ as we address each of these areas in turn and challenge each other to value ‘Margin’.

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Cherie Wagner Cherie Wagner

Seasons: Motherhood

Seasons of change turn our lives upside down. Old habits die and new ones are formed.

Routines are only routines until they are interrupted – then we are often forced to reset, reevaluate, & reengage in a completely different manner.

How do we ensure we progress, rather than regress, during these seasons of upheaval?

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Cherie Wagner Cherie Wagner

Seasons: Growth

Seasons of change turn our lives upside down. Old habits die and new ones are formed.

Routines are only routines until they are interrupted – then we are often forced to reset, reevaluate, & reengage in a completely different manner.

How do we ensure we progress, rather than regress, during these seasons of upheaval?

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