Seasons: Friends and Friendship

If someone was to approach you in public and ask, “Will you be my friend?” - what thoughts would be triggered?

Has the quantity, and quality, of your friendships gotten better or worse over the years?

In this installment of ‘On Topic’ Seth Troutt offers some practical and pragmatic insights into how we can approach friendship as we move through life.

Maybe the current political climate has you feeling alienated? Maybe you never quite recovered from COVID lockdowns or a job-related move? Or perhaps you’re in a Season where loneliness is more prevalent than friendship?

If so, please join us for the 5 minute reflection linked below. Our hope is that you’ll find in encouraging, and also take away a few thoughts that may help you find more fulfilling and meaningful Seasons of Friendship.

If you want a deeper dive on this topic, and the categories Seth discusses, check out this episode of King & Culture.

King & Culture: Episode 41 - Friendship

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Seasons: Pain and Hardship

