Why You Need (the King's) Community

We’re all longing to belong.  You’ve felt it before; the feeling of being alone and unneeded.  At our core, we all have a desire to be a part of something bigger than ourselves.  It’s a feeling that never goes away.  And that’s exactly why you need the King’s community.  Let’s take a look at what it is, and why you so desperately need it.The King’s community is a relational community. Jesus, the King, is relational.  In fact, he has always existed in community with himself (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit). We, too, are a relational people, having been created in God’s image (Genesis 1:26-27). That’s why our hearts long for connection.  Unfortunately, sin destroyed all of our relationships (with God and one another).  But our King loves us too much to leave us alone.  So Jesus came on a rescue mission –not just to save us from our sin- but also to save us back into relationship with himself.  We’re then freed to love one another too because he first loved us (1 John 3:16, 4:19).  All of our fragmented relationships find their restoration in Christ himself, and we experience the fullness of that in the King’s community.The King’s community is a gospel-centered community.Every group you’ve ever been a part of is based around some common interest or purpose.  What distinguishes the King’s community from others is its foundation.  King Jesus is at the core, the centerpiece, calling a people to himself –to follow and be with him.  We get Jesus!  He is the “bread of life” (John 6:35).  His righteous life, his sacrificial death, and his authoritative resurrection all give power and purpose to his followers.  It’s here in the gospel where we find great joy, rest, hope, and strength.  As a community of people built around that, we regularly get to encourage and remind each other of this good news (Hebrews 10:24-25).The King’s community is an outward-focused community.This is not a closed community or secret society.  It’s definitely not meant to be private.  After Jesus calls us into his community, he then sends us out to go and make other disciples (Mark 3:14, 16:15).  Once we’ve experienced the King and experienced his community, we can’t help but desire for others to come experience it too.  And we do this best together in community, using the strengths and gifts the King has equipped us with.Jesus is building a community.  He’s committed to it (Matthew 16:18).  He’s pursuing a people and inviting them to follow him.  He’s giving them life and purpose, joy and meaning, hope and satisfaction –which will never fade or disappoint.  And once you’ve been with him and experienced his community, you’ll want others to be a part of it too.  Why would you want to live for anything less?


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