Why I Love Good Friday & Easter

Easter weekend is a highlight for any church that is centered on the good news of Jesus. At Redemption we also celebrate Good Friday. This makes for a full weekend, but an extremely meaningful one too.In fact, I think the weekend is best celebrated by attending both Good Friday and Easter. There's something about stewing in the death and suffering of Jesus and then just a few days later rejoicing in the life and victory of Jesus. It's powerful.So, with this Holy Week(end) coming in just a few weeks, I want to share why I personally love Good Friday (3/25) and Easter (3/27) services.

Why I Love Good Friday

1. It provides a moment to focus on the sacrificial death of Jesus. The cross shows me all kinds of things I need to see: the obedience of Jesus, the frailty of the disciples, man's folly, God's hatred of sin, the intensity of God's love, and the high cost of salvation. Our souls need to see these things, and we rarely take the opportunity. Good Friday pushes us into moments to see and contemplate these realities.2. It's a totally different kind of service. While I appreciate the consistency of our Sunday services, it's refreshing to experience something totally different. Each year has been a new, creative, thoughtful experience. The dissonance of not knowing what to expect is part of why it seems so impactful. What will it be this year? Come find out.3. I enjoy the extended time to celebrate the Lord's Supper. We always try to avoid rushing communion, but at Good Friday there's extended time to pray, reflect, and rejoice in God's unparalleled love for his people (even me). Having that time to be with the Lord and his people is refreshing and beautiful.If you haven't been to Good Friday, this is the year. Join us at 5:00pm or 6:30pm.

Why I Love Easter

1. I love that the story doesn't end at the cross. As important as it is to ponder the sacrifice of Jesus, what makes that sacrifice meaningful is that Jesus rose from the dead! The resurrected life of Christ demonstrates the truth of the gospel, initiates the Age to Come, and guarantees a resurrection for all who are in Christ. That's worth celebrating.2. I love the party atmosphere. Speaking of celebrating, that's what Easter really feels like. It's bright, energetic, and fun. More regulars and guests come than any other day of the year, and it's a blast to preach and lead with a room full of expectant people. If there was ever a reason to party, it's the resurrection of Jesus.3. I love the baptisms. For the last few years, we've celebrated baptisms on Easter. It's amazing to hear stories of how God has changed people's lives and to watch as they proclaim the gospel through baptism. Those who are baptized always bring lots of friends and families, and I love meeting them and seeing their joy. (If you're interested in baptism, go here).For all these reasons, I hope you'll join us and invite a friend to Easter. Services are at 7:00am, 8:30am, 10:00am, and 11:30am. If you're on Facebook, here's something you can use to invite a friend.If you have the flexibility, please join us at 7:00am or 11:30am -- it will help open seats for the many guests that will come to the two middle services. 


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