Resources Supporting a Biblical View of Homosexuality

SermonsIn case you missed the sermon Sunday, June 28, 2015, here is the link.Homosexuality - Christian Conviction in a Changing Culture Colossians 4:5-6 by Matthew BraseltonThe following links are from the two-part sermon Luke preached at the beginning of our Romans Series in May of 2013. If you have not heard these sermons, or if it has been a couple of years since you have heard them, this is a great place to start.A Theology of Homosexuality Romans 1:26-17 by Luke SimmonsA Christian Attitude Toward Homosexuality Romans 1:26-27 by Luke Simmons VideosThis is a video from The Village Church’s training forum titled Is God Anti-Gay? This training forum will help to educate and equip you in truthfully and graciously engaging our culture around the topic of homosexuality.In a speaking event, Ravi Zacharias was asked, "How do you respond to nonbelievers who accuse Christians of being hateful to people who support lifestyles of homosexuality?” Dr. Zacharias answers the question by explaining the Christian View of Homosexuality.In these next three videos, Sam Allberry attempts to answer popular questions, raised by believers in the church, on engaging family members and friends who identify themselves as homosexual.How Do You Show the Love of Christ to Same-Sex Attracted Lost Friends? How Can Christians Minister to a Same-Sex Attracted Member Who Is Experiencing Loneliness?How Can a Pastor Minister to a Gay Member Who Continues to Struggle with Sexual Sin?Why is homosexuality wrong? Here, John Piper, a professor at Bethlehem College and Seminary in Minneapolis and former pastor of Bethlehem Church, gives his biblical explanation to this question.Would you attend a gay wedding? In this weekend’s sermon, we answered “maybe” to the question, should I attend a gay wedding? However, this video offers John Piper’s reasoning for why he would not attend a gay wedding. This was added to this list for the single purpose of giving an opinion to consider, before saying yes or no, to the invitation of gay wedding. (Note: in this context John Piper is speaking for himself as a pastor) BooksIs God anti-gay? (Questions Christians Ask) by Sam Allbery.  Sam Allberry is the Associate Pastor at St. Mary’s Anglican in England who struggles with same sex attraction. In this short, simple book, Sam wants to help confused Christians understand what God has said about these questions in the scriptures, and offers a positive and liberating way forward through the debate.The Plausibility Problem: The Church and Same-Sex Attraction by Ed Shaw. This book gives practical advice on how we can address homosexuality, but also gives helpful information on how we can live better together as a Christian community.Love Into Light: The Gospel, The Homosexual, and The Church by Peter Hubbard. Love Into Light seeks to help you become more faithfully and helpfully engaged with people in your families, in your church, and in your neighborhood around homosexuality.Secret Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert An English Professor's Journey into Christian Faith by Rosaria Champagne Butterfield. This book is a story, along with the secret thoughts, of a former lesbian’s experience of coming to Christ.What Does the Bible Really Teach about Homosexuality? by Kevin DeYoung. In this book, Kevin DeYoung responds to popular objections raised by Christians and non-Christians in this newly released book. PodcastsSam Allberry and Josh Patterson discuss Sam's personal journey with same-sex attraction and how to minister to others who experience it. They also go through practical scenarios of how parents can navigate a child who expresses same-sex attraction.Is God Anti-Gay and Same Sex Attraction  BlogsIn this blog, Jonathan Parnell from Desiring God, attempts to answer the question Why Homosexuality Is Not Like Other Sins?In this blog by Trevin Wax, from The Gospel Coalition, he collects three quotes about God’s good and perfect design for marriage by theological giants Tim Keller, Francis Schaeffer, and Charles Spurgeon. WebsiteLiving Out is a website dedicated to helping Christians who experience same-sex attraction stay faithful to Biblical teaching on sexual ethics and flourish at the same time. They exist to help the wider world hear and understand that there is more than just one viable script for those who are same-sex attracted.


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