Putting the Pieces Together

One of the huge blessings of being a gospel-centered, Bible-teaching church is that we see both Christians growing in their faith and non-Christians becoming Christians. We're a church where people begin faith and deepen faith.But I've seen a big challenge for people who are newer to the faith: all these puzzle pieces.Every time they come to church and get new puzzle pieces.Then they go to a small group and get some more puzzle pieces.Every ministry environment keeps handing out puzzle pieces.These puzzle pieces are beautiful and the folks who receive them really appreciate them. The puzzle pieces are things like:

  • God is gracious.
  • The gospel is good news about Jesus.
  • We are sinners who need rescue.
  • The Christian life is about dying to self.
  • We should love our neighbors and be generous.

All these puzzle pieces are interesting and important. And we shouldn't stop handing them out.But here's the problem: Many new folks keep getting these puzzle pieces but have never been shown the picture on the puzzle box that shows them how it all fits together.That's why we created the Christianity 101 class. It's a four-week look at the puzzle box. By overviewing the biblical story and Christian message, it provides the context to be able to better know what to do with all the things you learn as you follow Jesus. And it also answers important questions for those who are exploring the faith.Need to see the puzzle box? Know somebody who does? Join us for Christianity 101


Dying to Self


Grace Can't Be Earned