A Challenge for November: Read All of Proverbs

Here is a challenge for people in our church to take on: read the whole book of Proverbs in the month of November. The book of Proverbs contains 31 chapters, which makes keeping track of your progress easy. November 1st read chapter 1, November 2nd read chapter 2, etc. Then, because November has only 30 days, read two on the last day or read Proverbs 31 on December 1st.

Three Reasons You Should Do This

1.  This is an easy plan to get into the habit of reading the Scriptures. Most people don't regularly or strategically spend time in their bibles. This is an accessible way for you start. As Eugene Peterson said of spending ample time in God's Word, "you will not regret the discipline."2. It will reinforce our current sermon series: Proverbs - Wisdom In Dizzying Times. Working the Scriptures into our hearts is an everyday thing, not just a Sunday thing.3. You are at risk of being foolish. We learned about this during the first week; folly is calling out to us! Intentionally basking in the wisdom of God, growing in the fear of God, and being filled by the Spirit of God is our only means of not being caught up in the foolishness that surrounds us.

Three Things To Keep In Mind As You Read

1. You're listening in on someone else's conversation. In I Kings 3, God tells Solomon “Ask what I shall give you.”  Instead of asking for riches and power, Solomon prays “Give your servant an understanding mind to govern your people, that I may discern between good and evil, for who is able to govern this your great people?” The Lord honors the request, saying, ”Behold, I give you a wise and discerning mind.”The Proverbs are, in large part, Solomon passing on this wisdom to his sons. Have this visual in mind as you read - a wise and loving father passing on instruction to his vulnerable and naive son.2. You're listening to God, our Father. Just as this is King Solomons's word to his sons, this is our Father's Word to us. We are adopted sons and daughters of a King, the King of Kings. Thus, Proverbs is not just a word of a king, it is The Word of The King. Read the words as an attentive, eager child.3. You will likely fall off the horse and, when you do, just get back on. When you miss a day or two, just get caught up. It is that simple. We are prone to forgetfulness and are prone to falling back into old habits. Even if you're slowly reading the Proverbs, each chapter will only take about five minutes to read.If you're on the fence, go for it! You will not regret spending intentional time in God's Word.If you want an overview of the whole book, these videos from The Bible Project are quite helpful. 

Let the wise hear and increase in learning, and the one who understands obtain guidance! - Proverbs 1:5


*this blog post was put together by the Gateway Theology & Research Team. If you would like information about being on the team, email sethtroutt@redemptionaz.com

4 Ways Camps Impact Students


Proverbs: Wisdom in Dizzying Times