Spiritual Growth Resources for the NEW YEAR
The new year is often a time to reflect and move toward intentional change. As you consider the new year, here are a number of helpful resources — Bible reading plans, print resources, prayer books, apps, video libraries, and recommended podcasts — to encourage your abiding in Jesus.
Important: This list is intentionally long, to provide options. It’s not designed to suggest somebody should (or could) do all these things.
Top 3 Recommendations
Below are an abundance of resources, but here are my top recommendations that I think would benefit most people.
1. The 5 Day Bible Reading Program.
I like this plan because (1) it takes you through the whole Bible, (2) it's easier to catch up when you fall behind because it's only a 5 day per week plan, and (3) it's available on Dwell, my favorite Bible listening app.
You can download a handy PDF at fivedaybiblereading.com or you can get the free Reading Plan app, to organize your reading while using YouVersion or another Bible reading app.
I've listed other Bible Reading Plans below, but this is my favorite.

2. The Bible Project App
The folks at The Bible Project have been putting together amazing videos for years, and now they have a brand new app that is fantastic.
Though it's brand new, I can already tell that it will be extremely helpful in teaching you HOW to read the Bible. You can learn more about it here, and see a preview below.
(If you like their content, you might consider Classroom by Bible Project, where you can take free self-paced, graduate-level Bible classes online)
3. Face to Face: Praying the Scriptures for Spiritual Growth
I don't recall how I came across this little book, but it has nourished my faith for years. Though Kenneth Boa is listed as the author, he's really more of a compiler — taking Bible texts and turning them into prayers.
Each day takes you through ten passages to pray, two each in the following categories:
The Attributes of God
The Works of God
My Relationship to God
The Character I Want to Cultivate
My Relationship to Others
I love it because it helps me know that I'm praying in line with God's will — because I'm praying Scripture.
Interestingly, this is also the resource that we used for all of the prayer meetings we did in the months leading up to the launch of our church over thirteen years ago.

Bible Reading Plans
Christians who reflect on Scripture grow in their faith. So consider an intentional approach to Bible reading (or listening) in the new year. Below are links to plans, many of which are also available on the YouVersion app.
• The Micronutrient Bible Reading Plan
• The 5 Day Bible Reading Program* – see above for why I recommend this.
• 5×5 Plan – Read the New Testament by spending 5 minutes per day, 5 days per week
• Book at a Time – Read the whole Bible one book at a time, alternating between OT and NT
• Bible Reading Program For Slackers & Shirkers – Interesting approach
• Read Scripture Plan – Integrates Bible Project videos and has a helpful app
• Professor Horner’s System – Buckle up!
• The M’Cheyne Plan – Read OT once, NT & Psalms twice.
Recommended Print Resources
Print Bibles
ESV Journaling Bible — Space for taking notes
ESV Reader's Bible — No footnotes or verse numbers
ESV Psalms — Use as a prayer book
Prayer Books
Face to Face: Praying the Scriptures for Spiritual Growth (Ken Boa)
Seeking God's Face: Praying with the Bible Through the Year (Philip Reinders)
Canyon Road: A Book of Prayer (Kari Reeves)
NOTE: You can also use your current Bible and any existing pad of paper in your home to have a delightful devotional life. 🙂
Recommended Digital Resources


Bible Explainer Videos, Biblical Themes

Free Bible Teaching, Great Kids Content

Short Videos, Answering Life's Big Questions

How to Enjoy the Bible (5 Videos)

How to Pray Biblically (5 Videos)

Dealing With Guilt & Shame(5 Videos)