January 2016 Roots Update

About 20 months ago, we began an initiative to pay $1 million for 10.5 acres directly west of our current meeting space. Many people pledged and gave generously (despite relatively short notice), and we have officially reached our goal!SOME REASONS I’M SMILING

  • More people have attended Redemption Gateway the first two Sundays of the year than any other non-Easter weekends in our church’s history. This shows me that God is still growing our church and we need to create more opportunities to welcome the people God is sending. This land is a big part of making that happen.
  • I continue to be moved every time I watch the vision video that began the series, it reminds me that this project will matter 100 years (and 1,000 years) from now.
  • The original amount of money pledged was around $750,000 and around $800,000 was given directly to the Roots fund (the balance was met through our Christmas Offering and our general fund surpluses). This means more people gave and some gave more than they even originally planned.
  • This initiative demonstrates to me that we have a church that is excited about reaching people for years to come. Very little about this project was attractive – the land looks the same now as it did 20 months ago. But the kingdom-minded faith demonstrated truly excites me.


  • Thank God for his provision to our church. He has given us both the vision and resources to move forward. To God be the glory!
  • Pray for God to keep bringing new people to Gateway who will meet and follow Jesus.
  • Pray for our ministries to continue to be healthy environments to welcome and equip the people God brings.
  • Pray for our elders as we resume meeting with our architect and begin making plans for the next initiative and future building.
  • Pray for yourself, that you would continue to embrace the opportunity you have to impact our community for Jesus.

Thank you for your partnership in the gospel. We have much to be thankful for.


3 Helpful Ways to Pray


Juarez Trip Informational Meeting