How to Maximize Your Summer

Contrary to popular opinion, it's possible to have a great summer in AZ. But it will probably take some intentionality.How can you maximize your summer?

1. Have Fun Making Memories.

Many of us will try to get out of town at some point, but that doesn't mean we can't have fun locally. Some ideas:

2. Take a Step in Spiritual Growth.

Too many people check out spiritually in early summer and then by the time August hits wonder why they feel so dry. Here are some ideas on how to pursue growth:

3. Stay Engaged with Church.

With all the distraction of summer, staying engaged with church is crucial for our health and strength. A few ideas:

  • Come to church when you're in town. Duh! :-)
  • Subscribe to our sermon podcast to keep up with Acts
  • Automate your giving so that your generosity continues even when you're out of town
  • Do some of the fun things above (#1) with folks from your RC or ministry team

4. Take a Break from Online & Social Media.

We all know that screens can too easily dominate our lives (see this video). So consider a social media fast (here's how) or even making your smartphone distraction free for a season.Don't feel the pressure to do all this — that's the fast track to insanity! But don't let yourself drift either.Take some steps now that will bear fruit when the busyness of fall comes back around.


All of Life Tuesday - Sanctity of Human Life


Lessons from Student Ministry