Face to Face is Best, Except When It Isn't

Though I have much to write to you, I would rather not use paper and ink. Instead, I hope to come to you and talk face to face, so that our joy may be complete (2 John 12 ESV).

There are times when what is ordinarily second best becomes the best. The COVID-19 pandemic is one of those times. We'd much rather be with one another face to face, but we should not.

The letter 2 John is a product of a similar reality - John would have rather been with the recipient of his letter in person, but he wasn't able to be, so paper and ink (his best modern technology) was second best. How might God use modern technology to accomplish his purposes in this season?

Now is a time to be thankful for means that allow us to stay semi-connected when we should not be face to face. At Gateway, we have been talking about how Zoom is best, FaceTime second best, phone calls third, texts & DMs fourth, and emails fifth etc.

One of the best ways we can be the body of Christ in this season is to simply pick up the phone!

Until we can gather in the flesh, join us on Sunday for our online service, tune in Monday through Friday for our Daily Dose. and watch for updates on how we as a church are responding to the novel coronavirus.

We are praying that soon we can "come to you and talk face to face, that our joy may be complete."


An Overlooked Command For Anxious Moments


A New Redemption Congregation in North Phoenix