CGM: Cross Cultural Minis

Suat is a pastor of a church located in a city of a half a million people. He is married and has two children under five years old. Suat works full time at a factory while doing his best to pastor the church. 

Suat is unique in that he was willing to take on the responsibility of pastoring a church without the promise of a salary. He is faithful and some would even say simple. He loves Jesus and wants others to experience the same love that he has received from Jesus. Suat’s faithfulness is demonstrated in his willingness to endure so much uncertainty, both at work and in ministry. 

At work, Suat’s boss is demanding that all employees agree to work on Sunday. However, Suat has made it clear that he can not do that. There is a real possibility that he could be fired at any time, yet he continues to show up and do a good job at work. It is because of his faithfulness at work that his boss doesn’t fire him. 

In ministry, Suat also is faithful among unknowns. The church where Suat serves has endured a lot of persecution. The founding pastor who was not Turkish was deported from the country. The next non-Turkish pastor was also deported from the country. The next pastor, the Turkish pastor before Suat, was the target of an assination plot – thankfully unsuccessful. Despite knowing the history of this church, Suat was willing to serve.

Please pray for Suat and his family. Pray for wisdom and strength. Pray for God’s provision. 


Monday Mind Dump (8/29/22)


CGM: Cross Cultural Minis