A "Red Apple" Approach to Sharing Your Faith

Ever feel like you don't know where to begin when it comes to sharing your faith with non-Christians? There are so many ways to do it and often doing it is more important than how exactly you do it.But if you'd like a helpful way to get started, check out this series of short videos by James MacDonald, founder of Harvest Bible Chapel. In them, he describes a "red apple" approach. What's that mean? Watch and find out.[embed]https://vimeo.com/19044609[/embed][embed]https://vimeo.com/19044653[/embed][embed]https://vimeo.com/19044712[/embed][embed]https://vimeo.com/19044722[/embed] 


We're Always Being Trained, So Let's Be Trained by Grace


Dying to Self