6 Ways to Pray for Gateway

One of the highlights of the Grand Opening week was having around-the-clock prayer during the entire week leading up to the event.

I think it made a significant difference in the spiritual vitality of the opening and I know that I've already taken note of some specific answers to prayer since.

It was such a good experience, that we're going to do a version of it again very soon in the 48-hours leading up to Fuse, our in-town student camp. (more details to come)

For now, though, it seemed good to share 6 ways to be praying for our church. All of these come from the guides that were provided during the 24/7 prayer week.

1. Leadership

Pray for our pastors, elders, staff, ministry leaders, and volunteers to be godly, wise, and close to Jesus.

2. Next Generation

Pray for our Next Generation Ministry — that our kids and students would have a web of gospel-influencers (mentors and volunteers) who know, love, and center them toward Jesus.

3. Evangelism

Pray that Jesus would be made much of in our church. Pray that we would grow in seeing and loving like Jesus and that people would experience Christ and come to faith in him.

4. Spiritual Growth

Pray that we would continue to be gospel-centered. Pray that we would take God seriously but not ourselves. Pray that our preaching and worship services would surprise people with the significance of Jesus and the joy of his people.

5. Hospitality

Pray for our Guest Services team and small groups. Pray that our congregation would foster a hospitable and welcoming environment. Pray for new people to feel seen and loved.

6. Community

Pray that our church would be the best friend our community has. Pray that we would continue to make disciples and grow in love.


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